The other night I got an email from an old friend. She had been teaching English in Korea, but was back stateside in NYC for a few months with students in tow helping to orchestrate a travel program. They had planned to visit Canada, but their tour had been canceled
last minute - could they stay for a night on their way?
Tomorrow maybe? Late the next night, 8 middle-school Korean
students, the director of their school and my friend Angela are all
trudging their suitcases through the snow to our house. I helped to
set them up Lincoln-Log style in the living room, said my hellos and good-nights and went to bed. This is a sketch from the following
afternoon (yesterday). ----->
My class was canceled due to the impending snow storm so we
watched dramatic Korean soap operas for hours off
Click on the tears in the top right for extra sobbing action!

I had met Angela in Italy a few years ago, studying art in Orvieto for a summer. To the left is a page from a sketchbook at the time: smushed flowers, a random flowered wrapper from Rome, bus-seat patterns and an old man smoking in the fields as we drive second hand french fries at the beach...
To the right is a photo taken while I was making the watercolor sketch of the swimmers and waves above: sitting on the rocks in Tarquinia. It was taken by my friend and fellow traveler Priscila Matei. To check out more of her photos, check out:
Also take a peak at Angela's website and illustrations:
students, the director of their school and my friend Angela are all
trudging their suitcases through the snow to our house. I helped to
set them up Lincoln-Log style in the living room, said my hellos and good-nights and went to bed. This is a sketch from the following
afternoon (yesterday). ----->
My class was canceled due to the impending snow storm so we
watched dramatic Korean soap operas for hours off
Click on the tears in the top right for extra sobbing action!

I had met Angela in Italy a few years ago, studying art in Orvieto for a summer. To the left is a page from a sketchbook at the time: smushed flowers, a random flowered wrapper from Rome, bus-seat patterns and an old man smoking in the fields as we drive second hand french fries at the beach...
Also take a peak at Angela's website and illustrations: